Caylin Joski-Jethi
Caylin Joski-Jethi is currently School Performance Data Manager at the London Borough of Barnet and Associate Writer for the Local Government Information Unit (LGiU) and holds a postgraduate research degree. In her work she combines a quantitative research background with ‘on the ground’ experience of education, particularly analysing achievement data, through previous positions as Data Manager of a secondary school and Governor of a secondary and primary school. She has developed education analytics products for Barnet’s traded services offer and Cambridge Education’s national catalogue. Caylin has experience delivering training and working with senior leaders on a range of school improvement issues including: interpreting Raiseonline, FFT and other sources of data (including tracking software and school’s own data analysis); school self-evaluation; recruitment support; and reviews of strategic analysis, assessment and management processes. She has also given support to schools expecting an Ofsted (i.e. helping the schools to tell their “data story”) and also supported schools during Ofsted inspections by gathering and interpreting data required by the Ofsted team.
Data is a valuable asset to schools: using it effectively can improve self-evaluation, improve teaching and learning, and prepare senior leaders for any Ofsted ‘trails’ which might appear in an inspection.
Our data reviews have all been designed by our Education Data Consultant, Caylin Joski-Jethi.
Each review is brokered in a spirit of collaboration and aims to assist each school to become more effective, generate robust evidence of the attainment and progress of pupils, and identify areas of strength and areas for development.
Caylin will work with senior leaders to develop a programme that is tailor-made for your school. The adviser will have worked with senior leaders in school improvement, and have a proven track record of helping schools provide evidence of improvement to governors and Ofsted.
All data reviews can be tailored to the school’s needs. The packages below show examples of some of the data reviews that could be conducted.
Ofsted Data Readiness Package
This package, aimed at schools expecting an Ofsted Inspection, is designed to support schools to generate a portfolio of evidence against each section of the Ofsted Inspection Framework, review and assess the impact of school improvement priorities, identify and respond to potential inspection trails, and generate further school-specific analysis to unpick the true attainment and progress of pupils accounting for contextual factors such as pupil mobility; SEN; baseline assessment and the impact of discounting additional pupils from performance tables.
An example review might include:
A review of the school’s SEF or action plans to ensure all development areas have been identified
A review of the latest Raiseonline and FFT data to identify outcomes against the Ofsted Framework, Ofsted’s ‘Golden threads’ and identify possible trails
Support to interrogate in-school or end of key stage assessment data for particular groups or contextual issues in your school
A review of in-school assessment data to gather further evidence for any development areas identified from the steps above, and ensure the data assessment system is fit for purpose
A full portfolio of evidence will be generated, along with a written report detailing the impact of interventions and identifying strengths as well as areas for development.
The number of BPSI hours will depend on the needs of the school. It would be estimated that a primary school would use between 10 and 12 hours, inclusive of preparation, in-school support and producing the written report.
BPSI Data Review – Primary and Secondary
This package provides an opportunity for Caylin to work either one-to-one with senior leaders, or provide group support for senior leaders, governors or school staff to assess accurately and confidently what their data is saying about pupil outcomes within their school. The following data sources will be reviewed and used to assess pupil outcomes against the Ofsted Framework.
Fischer Family Trust
In-school assessment data, which might include working with the BPSI adviser to interrogate data for particular groups or contextual issues in your school
The school’s SEF or action plans
Your school’s performance will be considered against the grade descriptors relating to pupil outcomes, with particular focus on Ofsted’s ‘Golden Threads’. A summary report is provided for the Head Teacher that identifies strengths as well as areas for development.
The number of BPSI hours will depend on the needs of the school. It would be estimated that a school would use between 8 and 10 hours, inclusive of preparation, in-school support and producing the written report.
Strategic Data Processes Review – Primary and Secondary
This package is intended to help senior leaders review the varied aspects of data use across the school to provide direction and support in their efforts to transform their use of data. It will explore the assessment, reporting and analysis processes in your school to equip leaders to develop clearer opportunities to impact and improve student outcomes.
The review is primarily focused on assessment data but can include pastoral data (behaviour, attendance etc.) if requested.
Caylin will conduct the review by evaluating school policy documents, pupil reports, and interviewing the head teachers, members of the governing body, assessment lead, and other stakeholders, as appropriate.
The review structure is based on an amended version of the Strategic Data Project’s Strategic Use of Data Rubric (Harvard University). The review will cover the following areas:
Organisational strategy: To what extent does the school use a strategic plan to organize its assessment and reporting arrangements?
Targets/Goal setting: To what extent does the school use data and analysis to set goals for school improvement?
Program Management and Monitoring of data: To what extent are data used to understand, manage, and monitor current pupil outcomes?
Access and use of data: To what extent are data available and utilized to manage interventions, and inform teaching and learning and decision-making?
Quality and Access to Data: To what extent are the school’s data and systems able to manage operations, track outcomes and report outcomes to pupils and parents/carers?
Evaluation and Decision Making: To what extent does the school evaluate the outcomes of its priorities and interventions?
Performance Data for Measurement and Monitoring: To what extent does the school use pupil outcomes to measure and monitor school performance?
Accountability and Performance Management: To what extent is data used to inform decision-making and hold teaching staff and school leaders accountable for results?
Accountability and Decision Making: To what extent does the school consider data driven outcomes to inform decision-making?
A summary report is provided for the Head Teacher that identifies strengths as well as areas for development.
The number of BPSI hours will depend on the needs of the school. It would be estimated that a primary school would use around 6 hours, and a secondary school, around 10 hours, inclusive of preparation, in-school work and producing the written report.
Recruitment Support Package
This package provides support and guidance in the recruitment of staff into a post with responsibility for data management or analysis.
Such support will be tailored to the individual needs of the school, but could include guidance in:
Shortlisting of potential candidates to invite for interview
Designing appropriate written/analysis tasks or interview questions
Observing applicants undertaking tasks or the interview process
Providing feedback on their performance to the interview panel to assist you in your decision making
Support to induct your new data manager into the post
The number of BPSI hours will depend on the needs of the school.